Moscow Music Academy / Music Teacher in Moscow, Idaho

We offer music lessons year round to students aged five through adult; beginner, intermediate, and advanced, for every style of music from classical to jazz and pop. Never had a music lesson? That's okay, we work with lots of beginning students. Our instructors can help you get started following your musical dreams while building a solid musical foundation. Staffed with professional and experienced educators with performance experience, MMA offers a host of supplemental programs and activities that make learning fun! Coming soon.... SUMMER CAMPS for piano, drums, guitar, ukulele and Rock Band in June and July. Call or visit our website for info.


2016 2017 2018) Adults Beginning Piano Classical Classical Piano Composition Drums Flute Folk General Music Gospel Guitar Home School Jazz Music Education Music History Music Theory Nationally Recognized And Awarded The Faith-Belief-Action Award Percussion Piano-Pedagogy Pop Recital Recorder Rock Saxophone Showcases Strings Student Rewards Program Suzuki Theory Violin Vocal Voice World
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