Piano lessons ages 6 to adult. Voice lessons ages 12 to adult
Learn more about me on my website: www.operalady.com
The goals of my studio are to provide a fun and musical environment to motivate the student to become the best musician they can be. Whether the goal is to learn the basic concepts of music theory, playing or singing for your own enjoyment, developing performance technique, public speaking, preparing for a music career through the college process, or generally feeling more confident - our time together will be spent developing these traits. I tailor my lessons to each student's goals.
Some of the things we use in the studio to heighten the learning experience is technology. Students will have the opportunity to use such pedagogical programs as Home Concert Xtreme, and Classroom Maestro to help develop musicality. Areas of focus: sightreading, transposition, scales & chord structure, harmonization, and creative composition. I relate these ideas in a non-stress yet motivating climate. My "keys" to success are communication and fun!
Skype Lessons are also available!
Recitals are conducted twice a year, in addition to participating in various Festivals, hosted by the local Texas Music Teachers Association and Texas Federation of Music Clubs. Participation is not mandatory, but allows the student to perform in a variety of environments.
Member of:
Austin District Music Teachers Association
Bay Area Music Teachers Association
Gulf Coast Music Association (Federation of Music Club-Clear Lake) (President 2011 to 2015)
Wednesday Morning Music Club (Federation Music Club-Austin)
National Association of Teachers of Singing
Choir Director - St. John the Theologian Greek Orthodox Church - 1998 to present
Looking forward to working with you!
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