Dan Inglis, a tenor, voice teacher, multi-instrumentalist, conductor, composer and licensed music educator, has taught private voice since 2004 on the premise that "everyone can sing."
As western New England’s only Certified Master Teacher of Estill Voice Training, Dan keeps an active vocal and instrumental performance calendar, singing in numerous styles each week, and drawing on that skill set to meet each student's needs. He offers compassionate, engaging instruction to opera divas, aspiring rockers, triple threats, other music professionals, young children, and older adults alike, specializing in advanced undergraduate instruction. He offers lessons both in person and online.
Dan also has great success with those who "can't carry a tune in a bucket" and believe they will never learn to sing. Many students enjoy studying both voice and piano or voice and guitar with Dan in order to learn excellent musicianship.
When not in lessons, Dan also directs the Pioneer Valley Chordsmen of Chicopee, sings with the Illuminati Vocal Arts Ensemble, and directs music at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Northampton. His folk album "Disappearing Railroad Blues” has won praise for its sensitive guitar work, and he is pleased to appear frequently as a soloist, guest director, arranger, and consultant to vocal ensembles of all sizes. Licensed for K-12 music education at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and educated at Hampshire College, Dan taught K-6 music at Lander-Grinspoon Academy in Northampton before receiving his Estill Voice Training certification.