Laura Wright / Music Teacher in New Haven, Connecticut

Laura Wright is an accomplished violin teacher, as well as performer. She teaches violin at all levels (MM in Suzuki Pedagogy and performance), and all ages (starting 3 yrs.- adult). She has taught for over 25 years, has been a clinician throughout the US and Australia. Currently, she is a member of the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra and is an adjudicator for the Heritage Music Festivals, along with her teaching studios located in North Haven and New Haven, CT. She also teaches private violin lessons at the Westover School in Middlebury, CT.


Adults Chamber Ensemble Chamber Music Classical Early Childhood Music Elementary Music Group Lessons Instrumental Music Education Music Literature Music Therapy Orchestra Pedagogy Pre-School Music Preschool Music Strings Suzuki Suzuki Early Childhood Education Suzuki in the Schools Violin
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